Simulation Results

An Example of Nonlinear Coordinates and Resistive Values

Nonlinear coordinates

Values of conductance .

has similar values.

Errors of the one-dimensional network when one input k is 1 and the others are 0

Errors when region [-1,1], perturbation of resistive value: 0.05, 100 nodes, k-th input =1,the others is 0
Errors of the one-dimensional network when all inputs are 1

Errors when region [-1,1], perturbation of resistive value: 0.05, all inputs have the same value 1, the number of nodes N is varied from 10 to 100.
Errors of the two-dimensional network when input (i,j)=1 and the others are 0

Errors when 20*20 nodes, the region is [-1,1]*[-1,1], perturbation of resistive value: 0.05, input (i,j)=1 and the others are 0, where i=1 or 10 and j is varied from 1 to 20.

For comparison, theoretical errors of the one-dimensional network with N=20 are also shown. This figure indicates that errors of the two-dimensional network are smaller than those of the one-dimensional network.

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